1. What are you wearing?
- Formal Office attire.
2. What did you do last night?
- Bergayut dengan incik Vespa.
3. Favorite Memory with significant other?
- every moment we are dating :D
4. Last gift received?
- Cincin merisik
5. Describe the last picture you were in?
- kat Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, KL.( p hantar ank buah ku untuk pigi PD)

- Nasi lemak.
7. Last thing you drank?
- Nescafe O suam.
8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
- lupe dowh..yg aku ingat putih jer..hihi
9. What was your best vacation?
- p Melaka last 2 week...jumpe Incik Vespa
10. What are you most looking forward to in the next vacation?
- spa n massage
11. What is happening around you?
- semua org kat ofis tgh menaip..tp aku x tau diorg type ape..hihihi
12. What is your shoe size?
- 5
13. Last event you dressed up for?
- p dating...hihi
14. What is the most cheap thing you bought?
- ape ye..seme yg aku mkn arini hege rm1.20
- nasi lemak (rm1.20)
- nescafe O suam (rm1.20)
- mentos (rm1.20)
15. What is the most expensive thing you have on right now?
- Cincin merisik...aku rs laa sbb emas kan mahal skang:D
16. What is your favorite smell?
- Johnson & Johnson baby MILK BATH
17. Is there something you really want to buy right now?
- Anniversary present for Incik Vespa
18. What are your nicknames?
- Ju,Wan, Suzuraini ( bile formal),Makteh, kak juju
19. What are your plans for today?
- kemas rumah bile blk keje nnt..sbb kaklong ku nak dtg umah:D..nnt kang kene pasang tinger lak umah sepah:D
20. Describe your friendster picture.
- gambo kete VIVA cilok dari Blog org len..puncanye sbb name kete tu JUJU
21. Describe your myspace picture.
- lupa daaa..lame da x buka
22. Describe your facebook picture.
- alamak..xder la beb
23. What did you do last weekend?
- p bawa ank buah ku jalan2
24. Favorite brand of clothes?
- ape2 aje..asalkan cantik n selesa utk aku..
25. What is your ringtone?
- So What from PINK
skang aku mahu cabar sape pulak yer...aku cabar Cik Ana..sbb blog die da lame Hibernate...hihi...
ok Ana, amacam ada berani ka???
aiyak aku kene tagged kaa?? ceit ingat aku x berani?? uhuh..
btw tagged ni akn aku wat juga. bile??? tungguuuuu...=P
syabbas bette, syabbas!
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